
Ss13 webmap
Ss13 webmap

Due to being on a planet, the exterior atmosphere outside the station is at a safe pressure, however it is much colder- this makes a warm jacket and a breath mask all that is necessary to go outdoors.

ss13 webmap

The station's mining layers have different challenges and ruins when compared to Lavaland.The layout of the map used to be almost identical to BoxStation, but has seen many major changes to better accommodate the mining sublevels.The map is unique in that it does not utilize space nor Lavaland, and mining is instead done on two levels below the station, with more danger on the lower levels. IceBoxStation is a reworking/reimagining of BoxStation, placing the station on an ice planet. Feedback is welcomed in this thread on the tgstation forums.An expansive maintenance is included with this station, largely recognized as a 'second station' with a number of areas, tools, items and machines.This map is best suited for 50+ players.A large maintenance with a number of useful half-built rooms and areas give antagonists a large variety of spacious areas to make their on station bases and hiding places. Intended for higher populations, the map features a more fleshed out and spacious interior lushly decorated and accomodating a large number of potted plants. Feedback is welcome in this thread on the tgstation forums.ĭeltaStation is a map heavily influenced by Meta and Box, with a large centralized bridge area.It has a large maintenance system covering most of the station, useful for stealthier tactics.It feels much more open, attacks in public are harder to get away with.Key areas are more evenly spread to reduce local overcrowding.It was geared towards higher populations than BoxStation.In July 2020, it replaced Box as the default map for /tg/. It was originally created and maintained by Metacide, though it uses the work of many others, and has been worked on by various other people who have updated and maintained the map over its history. MetaStation ran on Basil for a long time and was generally well received. It was previously the default map on the /tg/ servers Badger and later Basil, and various edited versions have run on NoxStation, /vg/, and Paradise Station.

ss13 webmap

MetaStation was originally created as an alternative to BoxStation. These maps are currently in rotation, and can be selected and played on. Information on the current and next selected map is located in the 'Status' tab. Maps with the most amount of votes are chosen, and choices that are tied will be randomly selected. Ultimately, the next map will be chosen by a vote that is either initiated by a player, or automatically triggered when the emergency shuttle departs and the round is about to end. The game is weighed to use MetaStation as the default station, but will have a varying chance to use another map depending on player preferences, how long the current round has lasted, and player count. The server currently uses a unique map rotation feature that will swap between maps based on player map preferences, these being located in your character setup page.

Ss13 webmap